Remote working presents a whole new set of challenges, and we'd be lying to ourselves if we pretended that they didn't exist! The only way to address these challenges is to talk about them openly and transparently.

The advice below is used to help new team members adjust to a remote role or for the rest of us to take better care of ourselves in a remote environment. This is by no means exhaustive, we know that everyone's needs are different.

🛌 Shutting off from work

Overworking is extremely common among remote workers. It's so easy for work hours to accidentally slip into the evenings and weekends.

This can cause stress and tiredness as well as a struggle to separate work from home life.

If this sounds like you, there are a number of things you can do to avoid it:

🌱 Your physical work environment

The single biggest change for most new remote workers is their physical work environment. We have a great Home Office Stipend, and we encourage you to set up a space that makes your home physical environment work for you.

At a most basic level, you should aim to have a dedicated working area with the following: